Sir, Yes Sir Bonus Chapters By L. L. Ash
Chapter 1
“Goodnight!” I called into Dad’s office as I headed out for the day.
He’d just gotten back from a three week-long cruise around the Bahamas with Mom and was eager to catch up, but most of his day had been talking to customers and going over the financials that I’d kept spotless. As always.
Our evening and weekend manager was around now, taking over until closing time so that I could go home to my family. Well, family of two, but still a family.
It won’t be two for much longer.
I still had the pregnancy test in a sandwich bag in my purse. We’d had so many false alarms when it came to that, I’d started taking tests and not telling Ash because I could tell it was wearing on him, too. He was as supportive as he could be, but we’d started trying for a kid not even six months after our wedding. Now, four years in and he was inching toward forty-five, and I could tell he was losing hope to ever be a dad.
Getting in my car, that pretty baby blue Firebird that Ashton finished just for me, I hurried at the tip-top of the speed limit down the road until I reached the shop that he’d bought a little more than a year ago. It had always been his dream, and I’d encouraged him to take the leap into owning a small business. So, had had.
As it was, Dad gave him a lot of business, sending some of the tougher jobs his way. Ash thrived doing the work, and his eager excitement made my heart warm.
When I arrived, as always, he was underneath a car. And also as always, he knew immediately it was me when I entered the garage.
“Hey sexy!” he called from his spot, working on an old Volkswagen Bug.
“Hey! Can this wait ‘til tomorrow?” I asked him, moving closer to tap the bottom of his boot with my high heeled shoe.
“Uh, yeah. Gimme just a minute to wrap it up.”
So I did, and I listened to him regale me about how one of the cars that had been leaking oil had cracked while he was underneath it, dousing him in oil.
“Sounds like you need a good shower,” I told him.
“Yep. A real scrub down. If only I knew someone who could wash my back for me,” he called, scooting his ass back out from beneath the car on his fun little skateboardy thing.
What was it called again? A creeper? Yeah, that was it.
He got up and came over, planting a kiss on my lips with a smile, then he went to the sink to scrub off.
Oil streaked down the back of his coveralls, and I knew that it had soaked through. There went another one of his white shirts.
The citrusy smell of his degreasing soap hit me like a brick wall, sending my stomach into roils of nausea. Huh, just another thing to confirm that, yeah, I was going to have a baby.
I hurried out of the garage before I lost my lunch all over the cement floor, then waited for him to join me.
“You could’ve just headed home, Frey. You didn’t have to wait for me,” Ashton said as he came out of the front door of the garage after locking everything up.
“Sure I did,” I countered. “If I want a husband tonight, I have to make sure he stops working.”
Ash grinned, then planted another kiss on me.
“Yeah, yeah,” he agreed reluctantly. “Let’s get you home, fed, and bedded, huh?”
I nodded at him and watched my man swagger over to his motorcycle as I climbed back into the Firebird.
I followed him out of the lot and just a few blocks to our house, nestled in a cute little neighborhood of stucco bungalows.
In the driveway, he pulled in first, then waited by his bike while I slipped into the other side. When I turned the car off, he rounded the bike and opened the door for me, reaching down to help me out.
“What should we do for dinner?” he asked, head already focused on food.
I chuckled and shrugged.
“I don’t know. Want to maybe order from that Thai restaurant? I’ve been craving some Massaman curry.”
He hummed in agreement.
“That sounds fucking awesome,” Ash said, pulling his phone out to order the food to be delivered.
I kicked off my heels at the threshold of the house, my feet landing on the cold tiles inside.
“Yeah,” I drawled, hanging up my bag on the hook by the door that Ash had put there just for me. “It’ll be a celebratory dinner.”
My hand snaked into my bag and I managed to snag the sandwich bag with the little test inside it.
“Celebratory?” he asked, following me in before he leaned down to unlace his boots.
God, men had stinky feet!
I held my over-sensitive nose and strode past him, hiding the test at my side so he wouldn’t see it just yet. But Lord, I needed to get away from the smell before I threw up.
Ashton let out a long sigh of satisfaction when he finally got his boots off and placed them in their spot on the shoe caddy by the door, then followed me into the house.
“Well?” he questioned, rolling his hand for me to finish my thought. “What are we celebrating?”
I went to the fridge and got out a beer for him and a Coke for me instead of my typical wine.
He eyed the drink as he sat on the couch, accepting the beer I held out to him.
“You ovulating again?” he asked, trying to put the pieces together.
I didn’t drink alcohol during ovulation, just in case it messed with my chances of conceiving.
“Hm, not quite,” I admitted, sitting beside him on the couch before placing the test in his lap.
He picked it up distractedly, then when he realized what it was, he jerked back, then looked at me.
“What the fuck is this?” he asked, holding it out. “Do you think you might be pregnant? You going to take it?”
I let out a cry of alarm as I took the test from him and saw nothing but a couple smudges where the double blue lines had been several hours ago when I’d taken it.
“Goddamn it!” I barked. “I’m pregnant!”
He blinked at me for a second, then looked at the test, then back up at me.
“You think you’re pregnant?” he asked, voice quivering.
“I know I am,” I told him, exasperated that I had to explain because my cheap test hadn’t kept the positive result. “I took it this morning and there used to be double blue lines on it. We’re going to have a baby, Ash.”
His quizzical expression morphed to disbelief, then melted into pure joy.
“What?” he boomed, throwing himself out of the couch to pace a little. “It was positive?”
I nodded, grinning.
“Holy shit!” my husband barked again, a grin stretching over his face. “We’re having a baby?”
Laughing, I nodded again, but he wasn’t satisfied with a simple smile. No, he grabbed my hands and pulled me to my feet, engulfing me in his arms as he smashed a kiss to my lips.
“We’re having a baby,” he whispered, awe lacing his voice as he stared into my eyes.
There was a suspicious sheen of tears there, and that by itself made me start to blubber.
“We’re having a baby,” I parroted, voice quivering as he took another searing kiss.
“I fucking love you,” he breathed, and just like that, my big, burly man loosened his arms around me and dropped to his knees, his achy hip be damned.
With a whispered voice, he pressed both palms to my lower belly and added, “I fucking love you too, kid. I know you’re a killer, but take care of your mom for me, will ya? I’ll do my best from this side, but you be good to her in there.”
Ashton pressed his lips to my belly, then looked back up to me, eyes definitely teary, which was quite the emotional expression coming from him.
“How far along are you?”
I shrugged, but pressed my hands to his cheeks, stroking the day-old stubble there.
“I just missed my second period, so as best as I can tell, somewhere around nine or ten weeks?”
“So we’re halfway to finding out if it’s a boy or a girl.” He sounded so excited, and it was contagious.
“Holy fucking shit,” he ground out again, and that made me laugh.
“I know, I can’t really wrap my head around it,” I admitted.
Ashton didn’t wait for instructions. He knew what I needed and he was the only one who could give it to me.
With gentle hands, he wrapped his arms around my hips and stood, taking me with him until I was straddling his waist, legs wrapping his slim hips and strong thighs.
“This definitely calls for a celebration,” he agreed, nuzzling his rough cheek and chin into my neck until I squealed.
“Uh-huh,” I squeaked, knowing exactly where he was going with that and I was more than happy to comply. “Maybe even some special treatment for the mama to be?”
He barked a soft laugh, then started trailing open mouthed kisses down my neck and collar bone, leaving moisture wherever his mouth could reach. He smelled of motor oil and faint citrus, a scent that I’d quickly learned to associate with him.
“Oh yeah, extra special treatment,” he agreed, voice muffled by his mouth on my skin.
Carefully, he walked us to our bedroom, decked out in fuzzy pillows and knit throws, with macrame and plants hanging from the walls. Fake, of course, because who has time to keep plants alive? Certainly not me.
The carry to the bedroom was normal, something he did often, but this time instead of dropping me to the mattress with a hefty bounce, he gently set me down. His movements were more calculated and deliberate.
“I’m not a porcelain doll,” I reminded him. “Nothing’s changed. I’m not going to break.”
He huffed.
“I know you’re not fragile,” he agreed, fingers finding the side zip of my skirt to gently pull it down, followed by my skirt down my thighs. “But everything has fucking changed. You’re my queen, and you’re giving me a little prince or princess. I’m indebted to you in a way I could never repay.”
“You could start by giving me an orgasm,” I suggested with an ear-to-ear grin.
His eyes flicked back up at me, a smile tilting his own lips.
“Give me a challenge.”
“Fine. Then give me three before you take a single one.”
He harrumphed. “This was supposed to be a gift for you, not for me.”
Of course he would consider giving me three orgasms in a row a gift for him. The man took pride in getting me off.
“I think it’ll be hard enough to know you’re sharing my insides with our son or daughter. You don’t need a punishment.”
“You wouldn’t be able to punish me even if you tried.” He brushed off my words with a scoff.
“Oh really? Then how about you give me those three orgasms, then I leave you blue until next week? Plus, you have to cuddle me every night and can’t hump me when we’re in bed.”
He side-eyed me with a frown.
“That’s just mean.”
“Well, you issued a challenge. Shall we see who is the victor?”
With a hearty laugh that could still make my heart pitter-patter, he shook his head.
“You can punish me all you want, Frey, and I’m still the winner here, because in the end, I ended up with you.”
Aw damn, the guy could say the sweetest things sometimes.
“Damn it,” I mumbled. “Either get your mouth on my clit or stuff your cock in me. Time’s a-wastin’!”
Ashton grinned, then pulled down my panties to obey.
The man always knew how to follow orders. The moment his mouth met the plump lips of my sex, I gave a ragged sigh and closed my eyes.
Could this moment get any better? No way. Impossible.
A moan ripped out of my throat and waves of heat hit me almost instantaneously.
Well, that was new.
I supposed that maybe it could get just a tad better. I had the love of my life on his knees between my legs, my unborn baby safely nestled in my belly, and an orgasm warming my skin. Yeah, life was pretty Goddamn good.
Chapter 2
I was the luckiest bastard in the whole fucking universe.
We’d been trying so hard to have a baby for so long, I’d begun to think that maybe it wasn’t in the cards for us. And you know what? That would’ve been ok. If I spent the rest of my life with just Freya, then life would’ve been absolutely perfect.
Instead, my sweet girl gave me something that I’d barely allowed myself to think about over the past couple years. She was giving me a child. Boy or girl, it didn’t matter. As long as the baby was healthy, I’d be happy with that. Even more than that, the twinkle in her eyes that she’d lost years ago had come back. Fucking hope.
Nobody seemed to know how important hope was. I’d lost it for so long that when it dangled itself in front of me in the form of a sexy, blonde bombshell, I’d snatched her up, my best friend’s daughter and all.
Nothing else mattered as long as I had her.
So yeah, I was a lucky bastard.
Laying in bed, I ignored the dull ache of laying on my hip as I stared at her, watching my wife and the mother of my child sleep.
Holy shit, a kid! We were having a kid!
It still felt surreal.
I started sorting out a laundry list of things to do now that we’d soon be welcoming a third member to our family. I’d need to hire somebody else to help out at the shop to take on some of the hours I worked, because Freya would need me home more. I’d need to convince her to take less hours at the dealership, too.
Oh fuck, Tommy was going to lose his mind. Karma, too.
Karma had subtly asked Freya when we’d give her grandbabies, but those questions died away with the hope of conceiving after the first year of trying. Karma was going to go nuts buying baby clothes and crystals to decorate the baby’s room.
Rolling my eyes at the thought, I lifted one hand to stroke a chunk of hair out of Freya’s face as she slept.
Damn, what did I do in life to deserve her?
With a smile, I pressed a kiss to my wife’s cheek and climbed out of bed. Collecting the trash and leftovers from the side table, I brought it all out to the kitchen to sort and toss as my phone started to ring.
It was my damn wanna-be mother, Yamin.
“Hey Mom,” I said to him in a quiet voice, not wanting to wake Freya after her half dozen orgasms.
The woman was wiped out, and hey, she was growing a human; she needed more rest.
“Hi honey,” Yamin responded as always. “How’s my boy doing?”
“Peachy. Between missions?”
“Getting some R&R,” he agreed. “How’s our girl?”
I never quite understood why Yamin loved Freya so much, I mean, other than the fact that she was fucking lovable. But Yamin took her under his wing like a brother might, and he was always asking for an update.
With a grin on my face, I made him promise, “If I tell you something, can you shut your fat mouth about it?”
His curiosity was piqued. I could tell in the slight inhale he made before answering.
“I know how to keep a secret. What’s up?”
“Well, Freya’s good,” I told him, my smile widening. “She’s pretty sleepy though, considering she’d growing a human inside of her.”
I could see his look of surprise in my mind’s eye just as he let out a shout of excitement.
“What? There’s going to be an Ashton Jr.?”
I barked a laugh, choking it off as not to wake my wife.
“Ashton Jr. is raunchy as hell! You know they won’t be named after one of us!”
“Holy shit, dude! That’s so fucking awesome! I’ve got to tell the whole team! You know they’re going to be so excited. When’s she having the baby? I need to make sure I’m there for it.”
“Chill, we’ve got time. We’re only nine weeks in, give or take. Baby won’t be here until at least springtime.”
“Springtime,” he mused. “It’s going to be a girl for sure.”
I huffed a chuckle, then looked at the clock. It was close enough to ten to go to bed, but I was pretty wired from the excitement.
“Tommy and Karma don’t know,” I told him. “We barely found out today, so keep you trap shut, got it?”
“Zipped, sealed, and I already threw away the key,” he told me. “Cross my heart and hope to survive.”
I smiled at the odd, Yamin-style twist on the familiar phrase.
“Good. Now, I’ve got a wife that I want to go cuddle with, so I’ll talk to you later. Don’t call back tonight and wake her up, for fuck’s sake. You know she doesn’t like you when you call late.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” he grudgingly agreed. “Say hi to her when she wakes up, and dude, congrats. I’m really happy for you two.”
“Thanks,” I told him. “Stay safe. We’ll see you soon, right?”
“Yep, I can’t miss out on the baby bump belly,” he promised.
We hung up and I plugged my phone in, then returned to the bedroom.
Freya was on her stomach, starfished over the bed like she usually chose to sleep, whether I was there in the way or not.
I climbed back in beside her, snuggling under her leg and arm, then closed my eyes.
In just a few months life would change immeasurably, and I was ready for it. Together we’d take on the new challenge, and we would thrive. Freya and I made the best fucking team, and I was really looking forward to raising a baby with her. Even more than that, I was looking forward to growing old with her, sending our kid off to live their life while we spent the rest of ours together.
“Who were you talking to?” Freya mumbled as she turned and strung her leg through mine, her arm wrapping around my middle.
“Who do you think? Yamin wanted to check in on you.”
“I think I stole your best friend,” she whispered, then chuckled against my chest, sending puffs of hot air over my skin.
My body lit up like a soundboard, ready for more, but I stomped it all down and just hugged her tighter.
“You ready for this?” I asked her. “You ready for a baby?”
“Does it matter at this point?” she threw back, sounding more awake and amused as all hell. “We’ve got a baby now whether we’re ready or not.”
“I’m ready,” I told her decidedly. “And I’m excited.”
“Me too,” she agreed. “When should we tell Mom and Dad?”
“Sunday dinner?” I asked her. “We could try and do it here for once. I’ll make some steaks.”
“I like this plan,” she admitted. “I don’t think I could take another tofu-laiden, vegan dish with cashew cheese again.”
Freya shuddered in disgust.
“Good. I’ll call Tommy tomorrow.”
“Don’t you and Dad have target practice on Friday, too? You won’t tell him then?”
Tommy and I went to shoot and keep up our skills about once a month. Not that it was enough to keep up my skills, but who needed to know how to kill a man a hundred different ways when said man was living his literal fantasy in a suburban haven with the girl of his dreams?
Yep, that was me.
“I can shut my pie hole for one afternoon,” I promised. “That way we can tell them together.”
She agreed, a grateful smile on her face.
“I’d like that,” she told me, then snuggled closer.
“Love you, sexy man,” she mumbled, her voice tired again.
“Love you more,” I whispered back, kissing the top of her head.
She gave me a sleepy smile and cracked her eyes a little just to meet mine.
“Realy?” she asked with a smug expression. “Then prove it.”
Holy shit, if this was how she’d be for the whole nine months, I was going to be well-sexed for sure. She was insatiable. Hell, she was usually insatiable, but normally she’d want to just sleep off the orgasms, not begging for more until after a good twenty-four hours or more. It had barely been longer than twenty-four minutes and she was asking for more.
“Anything my queen desires,” I told her, mouth watering already in anticipation of her flavor.
She managed to roll onto her back and spread her knees, lazing back and expecting me to do all the work, which I didn’t mind a single bit. It was the least I could do to combat the discomfort of pregnancy.
Scooping her underwear again, ready to go down on her for the second time in as many hours, she shook her head and laughed.
“Oh no,” she told me with a grin. “I meant my feet. I’d like a foot rub.”
What a tease.
Rolling my eyes, let go of her panties and grabbed one ankle, gripping her foot in my fingers before digging my knuckles into the firm flesh of her arch.
She let out a brutal, sexed moan and I couldn’t help but smile.
Well, this would make a good next nine months, too. I’d be the best damn foot massager the world had ever seen. Whatever she wanted, I would give her.
“I love you, Ash,” she said with a sigh that sounded sexual as hell.
“Love you too, babe,” I told her, winking. “And I can prove it.”