Wolf Diaries Series Book 4
Epic Series Conclusion
Just when I finally begin to accept that it’s all over, something crops up again. Isn’t that how it always is? One day, I’m just living my life, and the next, I’m thrown right back into the ring with Violet. Oh, And Brooke? Yeah, nothing happened there. Not that I didn’t try. Turns out she likes nerdy, MIT graduates. All at once, our family gets a little bit bigger. I’m still trying to figure my life out, and Bam! Bam! There go those punches again. Except this time, they’re aimed directly at me. Addiction? Nah. It’s just for the pain. Then why does everything start to fall apart because of the pills? That stupid choice that life tends to give me slams right into my face again. What do I want more? Once again, life demands that I sacrifice a piece of my soul. This time, I have to make a choice. It’s either the pills and the pain or my family, and the clock is ticking.
August 1st 2024